Saturday, September 29, 2012

Dulles airport plane pull

Hey lets take a ride

 not the best idea ever, as it turned out to be a drive-it-your-self bus.

after seeing my life flash before my eyes a few times, we next check out the snow machines.....
 we get to the good stuff

Pack em in

You can get lots of folks in if you delete the seats

We find a fun trap door on the back ramp

We only took these steps once.  The ramp was much more fun.

The pilot of this plane would need a nap after climbing the ladder to the cockpit.

A touch of history

Finally, a guy who does not blame otheres.  I think I'll write him in.

Can you see a difference

between the Berlin air lift plane
and the FedEx plane

 The steps into the cargo plane make a great place to watch a group do the plane pull.

It is Mush ! or ah vast ye land lubbers, put ye backs into it or walk the plank.

With a favorable wind direction, we got to see lots of big planes land.

 Not all vehicles could fly

Now where did I put my sticker?

Time to go

We did not get to drive the people mover, but we enjoyed the ride around the airport for a buck.

 back on the bus as the new driver returns us to our car.

Get out of the way road hog.

While busy backing up, he almost did not stop in time.......