Sunday, March 25, 2012

Rain, Rain, go away

So that song did not work, so its inside time.
Don't slow down Mister.
Elmo gets a workout on the iPad 
 Come on screen, don't fail me now
 Wow, his attention span is growing

Friday, March 23, 2012

Science Experiment or ...

Let's see if this really works.  
The 2001 headlight plastic was fading (but not as bad as some I've seen on the West Coast)

 So I scrubbed with 3 different pads, cleaned, rubbed some more.

Not wanting to break out the hose to do the final rinse, I called someone and asked for other suggestions.   At first this seemed like a great idea.   But later I realized I clearly had called the wrong person as you will see later.

I was glad

I took this before photo as at first I did not know if I actually did anything except make them super clean.
 after.  So now I'll be interested to see how quickly the lights yellow back up.  Will it last only a few weeks, or maybe one and done.

So I am left with just one more problem..

How do I get all these digger tracks off the hood of my car?

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Hang Time

Just hanging out, waiting for Uncle Doug

 Its fun time now

Except for when its talking to mama time.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Airport fun

In hopes of seeing some airplanes, we went to a local airport.  We were happy to learn we could go out and see the planes close up.  The guy behind us landed to get some gas.

We were permitted to help fuel the plane.  I did notice that they did not clean the windows or check the oil, which I had to do as part of the Atlantic Red Ball Service, back in the day.  
(yea go ahead and google it)

 Bye Bye airplane
 After watching this guy do 3 touch and go's, it was time for us to go.

While at the airport, we heard a train whistle off in the distance

so we made a stop in Remington for some rail road fun.  

 In addition to the crossing gates, we saw some track fixers... or as Logan would call it, a tamper head, which hammers down the rail road spikes.
 and snow plows
 we also stressed how important it is to never walk on the roads as there are too many cars.  I had hoped for a train to do the old penny on the track trick.  I guess that will have to be another days fun.

After the safety lessons

It was finally dinner time.  The table ID card makes a great fire truck tunnel.

 I'll have the carb-o-rama please, with some cheese and ketchup.  Nothing better...
 except the free cone that comes with the meal.  Even with the red sause, at least for this meal, he ate it very neat.
 OK Mister, now burn some of them carbs off, then it will be play time.  (But, but its 2 AM)