Sunday, May 29, 2011

Its Strawberry

festival time at Sky Meadow

Later in the day, we found the bag pipers worthy of dancing to their music.
 walking by the small craft fare
 The white duck was laugh out loud fun when he splashed us from about 8 feet away

Check out

my first (not really) tractor

need, more, power
 We thought it would make a good photo of Logan giving the monkey a buck, however, as the monkey took the buck
 someone had second thoughts.

All now

seems to be forgiven

We even had fun dropping the strawberries into the bucket of water to wash them
 With lunch now over
 we saved room for a strawberry sunday

I liked this old car the best

because of the extra things, such as the metal can of oil

the snack tray from the local drive in
 and the wired speaker from the drive in movie
 not to mention the child safety seat (and somehow, we survived).

More fun

Crawling through tunnels
 We learned a new trick.  How to roll down a hill

 on the way out we saw this nice birdie.  Caw Caw
 The fun meter is now pegged at full.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

We interupt your work

if you call this work

for some lunch
 a photo op while the burgers are cooking
 Mt. Rainier from over an hour away.  Its a sign of good weather when you can actually see the mountain.  14,000 feet.

What is this Monkey Bread?

Nana brough her secret recepie for some tastey fun.

 working hard
 cut, cut, cut
 Hey Mister, what are you doing.

Clean fingers?

cinnamon bath

 almost ready for the oven
 What could be better than a ton of cinnamon sugar, more sugar, then a bowl of icing to dip it all in?
 With already about a zillion calories in our stomach, no one could eat the last few bits, but it was yummy.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Vote now, and often

So what's more fun?
Power washing a deck...

 Dancing while Uncle GaGa plays the drums...   (hey by the way, how's Lady?)
 Sharing soft ice cream....
 Or toasting marshmellows?

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Never been here before

We found this to be sort of a Northern graffiti house, but with less graffiti.
We were told that just last week, they had over 1,000 guests.  So sorry we missed that :)

 Ymmm,  hard tack

For all you game players

Maybe the game is the first Pokemon

All the way from Pittsburgh, Pa.  He even spelled it right.

in the house

the upper floors of the house were off limits due to safety

 inside the house

fun and not so fun facts.  Bottom left claims this battle flag was approved in Fairfax, Va.
Bottom right, the first Confederate officer killed was from Warrenton, VA.
 could this be the first unofficial battle flag which is in the house on the first floor?

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Tracy and Logan treat Nana to breakfast at Denny's, complete with gifts.

 Nana shows off her new towels and Logan jams a grape down her throat.  He used to love grapes.  Now they are just for others.
 Time to buy some food.
 After being carried all over the store, this was his last stand, or maybe a sit in protest until I picked him up.  We bought him a new cup but it was empty.  That did not stop him from keeping it in his mouth.  Let's go have some fun.